Saturday, October 30, 2010

My Soul

My Soul Aches
For Release
From the Ignorance
Of the World
Every Day
More needless
Suffering and hurt
Lives Destroyed in an Instant
War, Famine Poverty
And Pain
We fight
As if We have something to gain
Human Against human
Ripping, shredding, tearing
Plotting for survival
And yet never Preparing

My Soul Aches
For freedom from
The unknown of
Death and Afterlife
I wonder at the past
Present and Future
Hoping to find sense
To a seemingly
Meaningless life
I want to stand out
A beacon of Light
In a throng,
A Crowd of people
Repeating their
Daily patterns
Unquestioning and unknowing

My Soul Aches
For an answer
To why Mankind
Destroy The Gift
Of life and Breath
Mother Earth pleads
For a reprieve
From the posion we feed her
Black gold and smog
Slowly destroying
Infecting and Murdering

And i sit and Wonder
What God would allow this
Ancient and Continuing
Torment to Continue

My Soul shatters
And i continue to

Dolet anima mea
Mon âme souffre

1 comment:

  1. Love the final sigh in Latin and French! A very sad but beautifully moving poem! The repetition of "My soul aches" becoming "My soul shatters" creates devastating drama!

    My answer is always that I should never agree and simply live - speaking and writing - in positive protest! Even if only some ears hear, it is worth the effort!
